I love the smell of sewage in the morning, it smells like . . . . .
Another week at Crossness Sewage Treatment Works, but luckily for us we are out on the nature reserve (and the wind direction was kind to us) digging reed out of a pond ready for next seasons pond dipping and installing our funky fence around the children’s nature area.
It was a dawn ‘til dusk operation as the days are so short, but we were rewarded with some amazing skies and found signs of Water Voles in the pond.
24 holes and posts, 630 planks and over 1800 fixings later the fence was up and looking great!
We spent a few hours checking out the next jobs - my first time out on the Southern Marsh. It’s a beautiful habitat, no wonder there are so many birds and a number of rare species. Just this week the birder’s had been treated with a Penduline Tit. I’m looking forward to producing a series of illustrations for the interpretation panels we are producing.
Meanwhile back in the workshop we have a drawbridge to build to make life easier for Karen and her wonderful volunteers to get out onto the island.